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Customer Challenge

PREP Design needed a better way to rollout their software and infrastructure to new regions around the world. Their methodology was manual, time-consuming, and prone to human error.

Fitzroy IT - The Perfect Partner

PREP Design chose to engage with Fitzroy IT because they have proven experience in managing a large web-based software portal and using Infrastructure-as-Code to repeatedly build AWS Infrastructure. The project required broad experience across AWS Infrastructure Management, Infrastructure-as-Code, Systems Administration and Software Development. Such diverse skills are rarely found in one place, but Fitzroy IT prides itself on the breadth and depth of its knowledge and expertise.


Choosing AWS was a straightforward business and technology decision for PREP Design. Its global network is unmatched, and AWS had availability zones in all the regions that PREP Design were selling into. Crucially, it also provided the foundations for GDPR-compliance in those regions. PREP Design also determined that no other provider could meet their needs for bandwidth, performance, high availability, and cost efficiency.


PREP Design were already utilising numerous AWS Services in order to deliver the PREP Platform: AWS CodeBuild drives a CI/CD pipeline which deploys code via AWS Elastic Beanstalk to multiple environments.

Thus the logical choice for rolling out new copies of the PREP environment in an automated fashion was AWS CloudFormation.

Fitzroy IT analysed PREP's different regional setups, identified the variables between them and then implemented CloudFormation templates and documented the new rollout process.

Next Steps

With this new Infrastructure-as-Code implementation in-place, PREP Design is looking forward to selling into new regions on a regular basis. And with the success of this project, PREP Design is looking at further improvements including:

  • Adding automated testing to the CI/CD pipeline
  • Enabling SSO to streamline the login process

Architecture Diagram

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