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Fitzroy IT are experts with a diverse set of skills across a broad range of areas -

we can assist your business in a myriad of ways

Our Diverse Range of Services and Skills for your Business

  • A full-service Managed Service Provider (MSP) that tailors proactive remote and onsite technical support packages for its clients
  • Digital consulting services for software requirements, funding applications, code review, etc
  • Reviews and remediation of your AWS Cloud Infrastructure to ensure it is secure, well-architected, performant and cost-effective
  • Ongoing monitoring and management of AWS Infrastructure
  • Software development services for web applications and mobile apps, including API development and SDK integrations
  • Full stack website development (HTML/CSS/JS/backend)
  • Digital design services including branding, logos, style guides, app and website prototypes, animations, designs for print (brochures, posters, signage, etc.)
  • Trusted reseller for a huge range of software and hardware

Our Technology Competencies

Cloud Technologies

  • AWS Services for Infrastructure, DevOps
  • Data, and Software Development including:
    • Virtualisation
    • Storage
    • Backup and Recovery
    • Data Analytics
    • Networking
    • Infrastructure as Code
    • Containerisation
    • RDS
  • Cloudformation
  • CodeBuild
  • Cognito
  • API Gateway
  • CDK
  • Terraform


  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • PostGres SQL
  • Cognito
  • DynamoDB
  • Oracle

Programming Languages

  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • Android (Java, Kotlin)
  • iOS (Swift)
  • Scala
  • GraphQL
  • Liquid
  • Flutter
  • Linux Shell Scripting
  • C / C++
  • C#
  • Ruby
  • Python

Programming Frameworks

  • React
  • VueJS
  • React-Native
  • Serverless (Lambda)
  • Angular
  • Express (NodeJS)
  • Ruby On Rails

Production Deployment Technologies

  • REDIS / Memcached
  • CodePipeline
  • CodeDeploy

Web Development Platforms

  • Siteglide
  • Shopify
  • Wordpress
  • PlatformOS
  • Treepl
  • Duda
  • Drupal

SDKs, APIs and Integrations

  • HubspotAPI
  • Zapier
  • General Proficiencies
  • Graphic Design
  • Animation
  • Documentation
  • DevOps
  • System Admin (Linux, Mac and Windows)
  • IT Support
  • API Design
  • Continuous Integration and Automated Testing
  • Database Optimisation
  • Software Architecture Design and Review
  • Codebase ANalysis and Review
  • Containerisation

* Please note, this is an indicative list of Fitzroy IT's current skills only. Fitzroy IT is a nimble organisation who will resource to fill skill gaps/deficiencies at short notice.